Use "has no hope of survival|have no hope of survival" in a sentence

1. The company only has a slender hope of survival.

2. Joshua's only hope of survival was a heart transplant.

3. Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?

4. He has no hope of passing the examination.

5. However, Blastomere survival has no impact on miscarriage rate or the …

6. No geisha can hope no more.

7. You've no earthly hope of winning.

8. It should be of no surprise that the yellow Boxfish has some hidden survival strategies.

9. AIDS is becoming No. l pestilence of threatening the human survival.

10. There's no hope for you.

11. There is no more hope.

12. No big speeches about hope?

13. He seems to hold out no hope of success.

14. The doctors held out no hope of her recovery.

15. With no hope of a holiday life's very depressing.

16. 28 Anyway, no one could change the law of nature - The survival of the fittest.

17. This is just a fight... with no end... no winners and no hope.

18. These are a historical survival and no new irredeemable stocks have been issued for many years.

19. There's no Bob Hope in this office.

20. 'There seems no hope,' she said bleakly.

21. The medicines commercials have Atrophiated the health system in France, so there is no progress, no new things, no dreams, no hope

22. CABAL : No, generals, I will not alow that. My survival is paramount.

23. In no analysis or age group was oophorectomy associated with increased survival.

24. Improved Feign Death ( Survival ): This talent has been replaced with Survival Tactics.

25. There is no evidence to indicate that they have influenced spawning activity, egg survival or recruitment success.

26. After that revealing article, that lawmaker has no hope in the next elections.

27. (Matthew 24:8) But those who hope in Jehovah have no such fears.

28. The fling abuses otiose of for no reason, the hope can have the voice of more reason.

29. Hope dies when there is no way of realizing our dreams.

30. This approach is a cul-de-sac populated by dreams that have no hope of fulfilment.

31. Winter survival guide for owners, managers Self Adhering Membrane For Roofing Applications: No.

32. No doubt these words filled the apostles with hope.

33. No time for aught but worry and struggle. No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death.

34. If you wanted to trace the erratic path of an individual air molecule, you'd have absolutely no hope.

35. Crabgrass has tremendous survival reproductive capabilities

36. Bromate in drinking water had no effect on the survival, body weight, or organ weight of male mice

37. We hope no green, furry things lurk at the back of your refrigerator.

38. Survival Value of Acridian Protective Coloration Survival Value of Acridian Protective Coloration Isley, F

39. I hope you aren't a no - good ruffian or crook.

40. However, exogenous estrogen implants are no longer implanted, as they are not required for survival of the Autotransplants

41. Argonaute expression and survival analysis: univariate survival analysis

42. Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival, Urban Survival and Preparedness

43. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.

44. Bereavement counselling - where there is no hope of conception or repeated attempts at treatment have not resulted in conception.

45. *(Samuel Johnson) (1709-1784) *:I hope it is no very Cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received.; …

46. Since he saw no hope of a normal birth, the doctor recommended an abortion.

47. 'I hope you didn't mind my phoning you.' 'Good gracious, no, of course not.'

48. Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of...

49. I hope no worse for wear As far as we're concerned

50. 11 Survival of the fittest.

51. We found no correlation between stem alignment and function, survival, implant migration or periprosthetic radiolucent lines.

52. She had no hope of rescue, so she hardened herself to the horror of her reality.

53. I had no sleeping bag but always carry an orange plastic survival bag in the rucksack.

54. He mourns, yet he does “not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope.”

55. Thousands more were exiled in labour camps on distant islands with no hope of release.

56. Whooah! The exultant joy of survival.

57. You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop.

58. If I hadn't found you, you'd have zero chance of survival.

59. Such ritual brings no hope, and it diverts to barrenness emotions which might otherwise have been fruitful.

60. He who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, everything. 

61. There is now no vestige of hope that the missing children will be found alive.

62. He hopes against hope that no one would know the open secret.

63. Those whose dementia progresses rapidly or who suddenly become unmanageable because of aggression or death of the carer have no hope of admission.

64. Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen. Blaise Pascal 

65. I have hope.

66. A Bouvier dumped into a Pound or Shelter has almost no chance of survival--- unless he has the great fortune to be spotted by someone dedicated to Bouvier Rescue

67. Marked for Survival

68. The survival instinct.

69. What are her chances of survival?

70. I have abandoned hope of any reconciliation.

71. 14 Sometimes we have to obey the theory of survival of the fittest.

72. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

73. A Bouvier dumped into a Pound or Shelter has almost no chance of survival -- unless he has the great good fortune to be spotted by someone dedicated to Bouvier Rescue

74. The name of the game is survival.

75. Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.

76. Olds says that multitasking has advantages that enhance survival.

77. Survival was the name of the game, as it has been throughout history.

78. There were no statistically significant differences in 5-year survival between multivisceral and non-multivisceral resections (p=0.608).

79. 7 They call it survival of the fittest, although it's their own survival they are now worried about.

80. Then we must hope, captain, that you will suffer no further mishap. Okay.